What Should You Pack In Your Hospital Bag?

Midwife and brand ambassador Aliza Carr from @bumpnbub shares her checklist of key essentials to take with you to the hospital.
Packing your hospital bag means you’re getting closer to meeting the little love of your life! As a midwife, I normally suggest packing your hospital bag around the 34-36 week mark. Just remember, you created this baby and you will be able to birth this baby, strong mama!
5 of my must-have items and why
1. Haakaa’s Thermal Stainless Steel Drink Bottle + Stainless Steel Straw
There is no harder work than labour and birth. The body is working so hard to bring your little baby earthside, and it is so important to stay hydrated. Dehydration in labour can lead to fetal tachycardia (increased heart rate for bub), so your birth partner has the important job of remembering to offer you some water a few times an hour. Having a straw means it is easier to drink in any position you may be in during labour.
Shop our bottle and straws now!
2. Camera
At the time, pictures of you labouring, or giving birth may not seem like something you want, but one of the most common things I hear as a midwife is “I am SO glad we captured some of the labour and birth, to keep forever”. Most of our phones have incredible cameras these days so if you’ll be getting some snaps on your phone, remember to pack a phone charger!
3. Speaker
One of the easiest ways to turn a space into somewhere you feel comfortable and safe is with your favourite music or affirmations. Many women who do a Hypnobirthing or Calmbirth class will often play birth affirmations during labour which can be incredibly beneficial in creating a positive birth experience.
You can create a playlist for different stages of your labour or how you anticipate you’ll be feeling, e.g. early labour may be more fun upbeat songs, active labour may be songs that inspire you and give you strength and while you are pushing… what songs you can see your bub being born to! Music always makes the birthing space more positive and comfortable.
4. Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump
There are so many reasons a mama may need to pump after birth, some completely unpredictable: if you or bub are separated for any reason, if you are needing to increase your supply once your milk has come in, if bub is struggling to attach etc. It is worth taking your Haakaa pump for those few days in hospital just in case :)
Shop our full range of pumps here.
5. Lip Balm!
This is the number one thing women in labour ask for, and if it was allowed, I would share my own! Mamas’ lips can get so dry, especially if they are using and breathing on the nitrous oxide gas with each contraction. Pack a natural, nourishing lip balm to use not just during labour and birth but for the postpartum period as well.